Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Is morality relevant to either thought or fantasy?

Morality is normally all about conduct. I take that to include actions, words, and other forms of expression and treatment. In some cases, inaction or failure to say something or failure to raise an alarm could be immoral. Either way, it is conduct or lack of expected conduct that constitutes morality or at least moral behavior.

Is morality relevant to either thought or fantasy? Can a thought or fantasy (as opposed to behavior) be "immoral"?

Is it equally relevant or equally irrelevant to thought and fantasy?

Granted, morality certainly is relevant when we turn thoughts into actions or even words, but is there a difference before that point?

Can malevolent thoughts or fantasies be considered dangerous? Again, granted, if they are expressed or acted out they could be considered dangerous, but is there a difference before that point?

-- Jack Krupansky


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